Take a look at how God Girl acts with boys. She isn’t competitive, she appreciates them for their differences and knows that a relationship with a boy is a very different thing from one with a girl. She is aware of how boys think and does what she can to protect their hearts and minds. I’ve been through tough times and I just realized that A God Girl doesn’t need a boy to be fulfilled and doesn’t need to be heard by him to feel complete. She doesn’t ever allow the pursuit of boys to be more important than the pursuit of God, and that makes her very attractive. My confidence I found in the right relationship with God. I have my own life and is pursuing my own purpose. Therefore, The God Girl doesn’t let boys become her obsession by dreaming them all day and talking to them all night. She doesn’t chase boys, call them regularly or text them many times a day. Hayley DiMarco also wrote: when a boy is interested in her, she considers herself a prize that he must win and not a phrase waiting to be completed. You may disagree with this. You may say this is all too old-fashioned and things have changed. Girls can chase boys, they can make a boy their everything, but let me tell you what I’ve got from my past; they will lose the charm and the mystery that God wants them to have. Let me also share you about what this book tells us:
So when it comes to love and boys, the God Girl lives like this:
1. She doesn’t ever choose the love of a boy over the love of God (Galatians 1:10)
2. She guards her heart and doesn’t give boys easy access to her deepest thoughts and feelings (Proverbs 4:23)
3. She isn’t jealous (1 Corinthians 13:4)
4. She doesn’t depend on a boy to be her source of happiness but depends on God (Galatians 5:22)
5. She never idolizes guys (Exodus 20:4)
6. She never fights over a boy (Matthew5:44)
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