April 14, 2011

Do You Know A God Girl?

I've been reading a book by Hayley DiMarco, "God Girl"

and I thought it was good to share what i got from this book :)

A God Girl, is a girl connected to God. not a girl who likes God or who is interested in God. A God Girl knows that she must remain attached to the vine, continually get strength and nourishment from it, and never move away from it. (John 15:1-8)

"I believe that the God Girl is the most amazing girl on earth.That's because she worships the One true God, Jehovah. She knows where she came from and where she is going. Her life isn't perfect; it wasn't meant to be. it's sometimes messy, sometimes loud, and sometimes uncomfortable. she has dreams, hopes and prayers. she wants what every girl wants: to love and to be loved. she wants acceptance and laughter. she wants hope and peace. some days she is on top of the world and nothing can bring her down, and some days she is certain she has hit bottom. but what makes her different is Her right relationship with the Creator of the universe and her willingness to trust God who can. when life is more than she can bear, God is more than she needs. the life of the God Girl centers around not what others think of her or do to her BUT who He is." (quoted from: Hayley DiMarco)

never think that you weren't good enough for God or you might going to hell because you've failed to love Him as deeply as you should. You have had so many miss opportunities, made so many wrong decisions but you're still His favorite girl. don't you realize that once you are saved, you are always saved? God changes lives. THERE'S NO QUESTION. if He hasn't changed yours, it's only because you haven't let Him. trust that you were led here for a reason. trust your purpose and dive into the life of God Girl. You won't be disappointed.


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